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Michigan Steelhead Guide

Whether you're a first time angler, experienced but wanting to learn something new or looking to increase your skill set on a particular method, or just wanting to catch some fish and enjoy a day on the water we are happy to provide you with the experience you are looking for.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


As a premium guide service we supply top-notch equipment. Starting with rods and reels, down to the terminal tackle and bait is all top of the line. We aren't worried about the cost of fuel and tackle, our main concern is giving you the best opportunity at your trophy fish and an experience you won't forget.  Book your adventure today and ask about our Free trip policy.

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Available Trips

Lake Michigan Fishing Charter

Fall, winter and Spring Steelhead

Michigan Fishing Guide


Lake Michigan Fishing

King Salmon

Michigan Fly Fishing Guide


We spend our day fishing out of a Tracy's Custom Jet Sled, powered by a Yamaha Jet Drive Outboard. Built in Newaygo, MIchigan and designed to fish Michigan's many river systems. This boat allow us to get in and out of all the hard to reach areas while also providing enough room to accompany 3 anglers and myself. 

Steelhead fishing michigan
Michigan Steelhead Guides

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